Monday, June 21, 2010

{Hello SUMMER}

I cannot believe how quickly time flies, here we are June 21st...first day of summer! I must say that I have been in summer mode for a few weeks already, as soon as the weather starts to warm up, I love to be outside and enjoy as many warm weather pleasures as possible! The beautiful thing about summer is that everyone is more relaxed, full of joy and eager to seek adventures, and as the days get longer and the nights shorter, it’s easy to let yourself be charmed by the warmth and beauty of the season.  What are your favourite things to do in the summer time? What do you look forward to as the season arrives? I’d love to know!
Here are a just a few of the lovely things I look forward to this summer:
Lots of time outdoors...hugging trees!

Quality time with my beautifully sweet, wide-eyed nephew
Lots of walks with Bailey Marley

Fun bike rides and new adventures
Light and delicious summer fare

Refreshing summer treats

Beautiful flowers to fill the heart with joy and rainy days to refresh the soul

Lots of time by the water and inspiring sunsets
 I wish you a beautiful summer filled with enchantment, fun, sunny days and easy breezy nights!

All images by Simply Charming Style

Monday, June 7, 2010

{Happy Monday}

I hope this gorgeous day finds you re-energized from the weekend and looking forward to what the new week will bring! Last week was a bit of a crazy one for me, I found myself really busy throughout, but looking back, I’m not even sure what exactly I got accomplished...yikes! This is something that often happens in life, we find ourselves taking care of so many things and not focusing that when all is said and done, we wonder where the time has gone. But over the weekend, I had a chance to take things slow and relax, the weather was a perfect combination of bright sunshine and cosy rain, so it gave me a chance to enjoy being outside as well as cosy up and enjoy a relaxing day in with my honey and our little pooch. Today I’m feeling blessed, grateful and energized and want to keep reminding myself to slow down and really take the time to enjoy those things I love most. I’m looking forward to a happy and productive week...I hope you are too.  Here are some images of some very busy little creatures...enjoy!
I wish you a lovely Monday and a week full of subtle adventures, warm smiles and fulfilling productivity!

All images by Simply Charming Style
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